What A Beautiful Recital!
This past weekend was absolutely wonderful, and we're so proud of the students who performed at Audaci for our June 2018 guitar and pian

6 Ways To Stay Musical This Summer
Summer is almost here! Once school breaks for the year, it's tempting to throw all routine out of the window and just relax for 3 months

Musical Activities For The Whole Family
Summer is quickly approaching, and that means more opportunities for family outings! If you're looking to keep your young musician engag

Recital Announcement!
Hi Everyone! We're excited to announce that we'll be having not one but two! recitals this summer, to better accommodate everyone

Keep It Going With Summer Music Camps
Summertime is approaching, and now's the perfect time to be thinking about summer music camps! Music camp can be such a transformative e

Is It Harder To Learn Music As An Adult?
While natural musical talent certainly can help speed the process of learning, it is not a substitute for effort. Even the most gifted music

Mythbusting Perfectionism, Part 2 of 2
Does your child get embarrassed easily or have a tough time with any kind of criticism? Does s/he have low confidence, a hard time in social

Mythbusting Perfectionism, Part 1 of 2
Does your child get embarrassed easily or have a tough time with any kind of criticism? Does s/he have low confidence, a hard time in social